Welcome to my online home -a space where creativity, learning, and inspiration meet.

How to Find Inspiration in Everyday Life

"Sometimes, the most profound inspiration comes from the simplest moments. Here’s how to open your eyes to the beauty around you and let everyday life fuel your creativity."
Morning coffee time

Everything Started from Not Being Able to Find a Job…

Hi, my name is Hilola, and I am a Master’s student at Eka University. I came to Riga, Latvia, in the spring to study, and I’m now in my second semester of my MBA program. As you may know, when you’re abroad, it’s common to study and work simultaneously. Back home, I was used to earning my own money, so relying on my parents for financial support felt strange. I sent my CV to various job openings multiple times, but I kept receiving rejections. Many of the positions required verbal communication skills in Latvian, which I don’t know.

After some time, I started working at an Uzbek restaurant in Riga. It was a good experience, and I finally began earning money again. I worked there for about 2.5 months before returning to my home country to spend the summer holiday. In September, I came back to Riga to continue my studies and began job hunting once more. I’m still looking.

One day, a friend of mine suggested I learn Digital Marketing. He explained the basics and shared a bunch of videos and lessons from YouTube. That was when I first heard about tools like Mailchimp, SEO, WordPress, and plugins, and even about creating a personal website. I was overwhelmed and confused. I tried to learn by watching videos and reading, but it just didn’t click. I felt frustrated, even cried at times, and my spirits were low. Plus, I still hadn’t found a job. Maybe others can learn these things more easily, but for me, it felt like an entirely foreign world. I had never worked in this field back home and had never paid attention to it before.

Still, I didn’t give up. Every day, I kept watching different videos on Digital Marketing, trying to learn a little more each time.

Then, one day, I was scrolling through Instagram and came across Scott Max’s educational channel. I explored his page and looked through his modules. I was really interested and felt hopeful. Scott explained everything so clearly and step-by-step—and it was all free! I decided to learn everything from his program. The only cost was a domain fee.

I was a bit confused since it was advertised as free, but there was still a $35–$37 cost for the domain. I counted my money, and for about two weeks, I saved up until I could afford to pay for the domain.

Finally, the day came, and I paid for it. Now, I have my own domain! I’ve been studying hard, thinking about this website all the time. I’ve even cut back on sending out job applications, which I know I shouldn’t be doing. I’m still jobless, but I feel happy because I’m developing my skills and knowledge in an area where I once knew nothing. I haven’t finished all the courses yet, but I’m in the process, and when I complete them, I hope to become a skilled website developer.

By the way, I highly recommend studying at Scott Max’s school. This isn’t a promotion—just my honest recommendation. Scott explains Digital Marketing so clearly, step-by-step, that it’s easy to understand.